IMPACT - Teens

Influencing My Peers As Christian Teens

1 Timothy 4:12  Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 

As Christians we are commanded to be an influence on others around us. As students it is especially difficult for you to be heard when others around you are busy trying to silence your voice. That is why being an IMPACT is so important. The word example in I Timothy 4:12 means to make an impression as though you were placing your stamp or mark on something. Every action you take leaves a mark or IMPACT on someone's life. Is your IMPACT on others leaving a mark that identifies you with Christ? We would love to help guide you toward a meaningful and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Join us as we make an IMPACT in our part of the world.

Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Nights

10am - 10:45am

Join us for Sunday School as we delve deep into the Word of God. Rides to Sunday School are available to the immediate Tecumseh area. Call/text John @ 405-314-1600.

7 - 8pm

Our Wednesday night meetings are filled with fun as well as a time for serious worship. We sing songs of praise and then allow ourselves to be influenced by the Word of God so we can then become an IMPACT on others. Rides are available.

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