Small Groups

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

We offer opportunities for people of all ages to meet in small group Bible Studies. It is here where we dive deeper into the truth of God's Word and enjoy the benefits of friendship and fellowship along the way. There is something for everyone as we share God's Word together.

Our Tuesday night bible study meets every Tuesday at 6:30 in the Church fellowship hall. It is an informal gathering where we delve deep into the Word. We have one teacher but the group is free to exchange thoughts about how the Word has influenced their life. We also stream this class on our live channel and through Facebook Live.

This class meets on most Thursdays in our fellowship hall to discuss current events as they relate to end time prophecy. Join us for open discussion on what the Bible has to say about end times and where we all fit in to the current state of world events. We meet most Thursdays at 1pm, fill in the contact card below for more information about when we meet.

We are glad to announce that we are launching a new group dedicated to our young adults. This group of dedicated young Christians gathers on Thursdays in our fellowship hall for a time of worship and Bible study. As one young lady coined it, "We need a class in adulting". If you are an 18-30 something and want to grow in your faith; join us each Thursday at 7pm for some fellowship and fun. We serve a lite meal before each meeting. For more information you can call John at 405-314-1600.

This cozy little Bible Study meets every Friday at 6:30. This is a fun bunch that loves the Lord and making friends. Come expecting a blessing. To find out where this group is meeting, call Pastor Mack at 405-590-3196.

Let us know if you are interested in one of our small groups.
We'd love to get you connected to one or more of them. Fill out the form below to get started.